Case Study: Smoothskin Gold

PR and Blogger Relations

Smoothskin Gold – PR and Blogger Relations

Logo SmoothSkin Gold

Brand / Project

SmoothSkin Gold



Origin of Client


Type of Client


Target Group


Client Duration

2015 – 2016

Project Duration

2015 – 2016




CyDen is a British beauty and health company pioneering light treatments to remove body hair for use at home. The brand SmoothSkin Gold was launched very successfully in the UK.

In Germany, SmoothSkin Gold was a no name compared to well established brands like Braun or Philips.

Thus, our task was to create awareness for the brand SmoothSkin Gold in Germany.


Convince digital influencers by focusing on live communication and comprehensive knowledge exchange face-to-face.

Execution and creativity

First, we created a bespoke database of relevant influencers.

We decided to organize an influencer event in a stylish top hotel in Hamburg to get in touch in person with influencers living in the area of Hamburg.

We designed a stylish email invitation and sent them to the target persons.

At the event, the marketing manager of CyDen presented the product to the influencers in detail, with personal anecdotes and honest answers to critical questions.

After the presentation all influencers could test the device at place and took pictures immediately. Each influencer got a device for testing at home.

In a second step, we participated in the Beautypress Blogger Event in Munich, the most powerful influencer event series for beauty brands in Germany. Up to 80 influencers visited the event as well as our booth. They asked many questions, filmed and took pictures, showed big interest. The influencers could also test the product.

In addition, we organized a raffle at the stand as well, so all visitors had the chance to win the product.

After the two events, we continued contacting the influencers through stylish newsletters. Content included seasonal themes, interesting facts about hair removal and top tips for a perfect IPL treatment with SmoothSkin Gold.

Special co-operations took place around the Christmas season.


  • Tremendous increase of awareness of the brand SmoothSkin Gold in the German market within six months.
  • Creation of a positive image and developing trust and credibility.
  • 120+ pieces of coverage:

    • Various text and video postings in social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Snapchat) live from the events
    • Various reports related to the events and the test phase of SmoothSkin Gold

  • Significant increase of number of followers in social media