Survey reveals cautious optimism
In a survey News Aktuell together with Civey, investigated how professionals in communication, marketing and media see the year 2021. 500 professionals took part in the survey and revealed in part their very personal perceptions.
Things are going up!
In general, the communications industry is optimistic about the year 2021. Almost half of the respondents (49 percent) believe that 2021 will be better for them personally than 2020. One in four (26 percent) sees no change compared to the previous year, only just about one in five (21 percent) expects their personal situation to get worse. The male respondents in particular are optimistic. 62 percent of the men are positive about the year 2021, while only 42 percent of the women surveyed are.
More than half of the respondents said that they were grateful for what they had in 2020 (53 percent). In contrast, many were thoughtful about their own health (46 percent) and concerns about friends and family (41 percent). Surprising, but also positive, is the fact that only less than one in five (18 percent) had to struggle with existential fears in the past year.
More digital, less travel
After much of 2020 was done digitally due to contact restrictions, it is hardly surprising that this trend continues in the new year. Nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of respondents expect to increase digital collaboration within the company in 2021. Many believe that this would result in an increase in working from home (63 percent) and a simultaneous decrease in the amount of business travel (59 percent). Almost one in four communication experts (24 percent) believe that sustainability and environmental awareness will become more firmly established in people’s minds in the new year.
Positive work climate despite social distancing
Many employees are increasingly burdened by the current crisis. In internal communication, it is therefore all the more important for companies to create a positive working climate within the company despite the distance. According to 43 percent of those surveyed, this will be the biggest challenge for companies in the new year. Women in particular rate this as very important (51 percent), while only every third man (31 percent) sees it the same way. Due to the distance, it will also become a challenge to communicate changes in the company (32 percent) and to increase the motivation of employees despite the circumstances (30 percent).
Hold your ground
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, many in the communications industry want to improve their skills and acquire new competences for the job (36 percent). Others, however, have no specific New Year’s resolutions (27 per cent). Just as many plan to pay more attention to their work-life balance in the new year (27 percent).
What can be deduced from these findings? For many, 2021 won’t be the year to take off professionally. It’s more about holding one’s position – literally and figuratively. Only 14 percent of the communication experts are aiming for a promotion within the company. Even fewer plan to change careers (eight percent) or change employers (five percent).