The world of communication and PR in the future

2019 – 2059
In 2019 we celebrated #IC40YEARS. But everybody can look back. Our anniversary is first and foremost a milestone on the road to the future.
Therefore, it is time to dare a cheerful and at the same time visionary outlook in order to anticipate developments in communication and humanity.
Follow us fast forward until 2059:
- All PR channels grow even closer together. A comprehensive content strategy creates the greatest potential for spreading news.
- Facebook has received the next hearing date at the EU. Marc Zuckerberg is again hoping for completely incompetent questions.
- Content seeding is the dominant PR form. Strategic placement of content creates reach in the form of traffic, views, likes, shares and links.
- The FIFA World Cup in Qatar becomes the biggest media event in the world, after Qatar, coached by Pep Guardiola, survived the preliminary round with 3 wins, defeated Brazil 3:1 in the round of 16, Spain 1:0 in the quarter-finals and France 3:2 after extra time in the semi-finals. The final ends after penalty kicks 12:11 for Germany.
- Fox News, Breitbart and Russia Today have promised to stop spreading fake news, it was agreed.
- PR, advertising and media agencies grow even closer together. Thanks to artificial intelligence, marketing automation replaces tasks in PR, advertising and media booking that were carried out by consultants in the past.
- Germany continues to work closely with Huawei on coverage with 5G in rural areas. China has firmly promised not to suck any data.
- The Tagesschau news is no longer spoken by Linda Zervakis, but by an Avatar (m/f/d).
- Advice on PR planning has become more important for agencies than the implementation itself, which is largely automated.
- Smartphones are replaced by glasses with in-screen function and under-skin chips.
- Bloggers and Influencers are replaced by Hoggers. The future must show exactly what that is.
- The major media event is the Football World Cup in China.
- There are only a few vintage print media left.
- Donald Twitter, sorry, Donald Trump keeps twittering, although Twitter no longer exists.
- Elon Musk’s Tesla model, which he sent into space in 2018, gets a visitor. The Chinese car manufacturer Baic has sent its e-vehicle into space. It circles above the Tesla orbit.
- Red Bull topped Felix Baumgartner’s jump from a height of 40 km and let him jump from the mesophere in about 85 km. But unfortunately, he jumped past the target, Mother Earth.
- The World is not enough: Chinese news agency Xinhua has opened the first press office on the moon.
- The airport BER has been opened.
- Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has brought together all the data available in the world in a huge cloud. The cloud is a 100 km long and 50 km wide and 10 km high ultra-datacenter in the Californian desert deep underground. However, an even larger center is already planned in Area 51 in Nevada to integrate intergalactic data. Director Roland Emmerich has secured the film rights for Independence Day Cloud 51 in advance.
- Aliens have made themselves at home in the Google Cloud and suck away the data in order to be able to to communicatively subdue the humans. A war is no longer necessary. The one who has the data has the power.
- God has intervened. He wants to save his data before the universal knowledge about everything is passed on to everyone.
- Frank Schätzing has set about his Opus Magnum: The Swarm II – Subtitles: How God lost control and human became superfluous.
- Fox News now broadcasts from Mars: Donald Trump posthumously appoints himself intergalactic all-time president by tweeting.
- The Chinese have extended their Silk Road Project to the whole solar system, Xinhua reports from the dark side of Mars.
- Advertising is finally abolished. There is only AI-controlled commercial PR (name: ANC – automated native communications) on all channels. This proves that what was already claimed in the classic by Al and Laura Ries is true: PR is the better advertising.
- Deutsche Bahn has ordered new locomotives and wagons from the Chinese railway giant CRRC. The 5,000 units will be delivered within one month of the order.
- Christian Lindner rejects the job as press spokesman for Deutsche Bahn. His reason: Better not to speak at all than to have to travel by train.
- The German energy revolution gets a new creative turn: The smoke from heavy oil on cruise ships in Hamburg harbor is converted into a kind of diesel gas and can be burned in vehicles and households.
- Heidi Klum becomes Senior Bachelorette. Among the male applicants among others Johnny Depp and a bishop of the Catholic Church, who appears under a false name.
- Chatbots in 3D animations replace spouses.
- Eroticism now goes directly under the skin thanks to the built-in stimulation chip. Nothing more has to be done. Neither as a couple nor yourself. Sex is now finally totally satisfying for everyone, because it takes place as a perfect illusion in the head.
- Industrie-Contact has networked with another network: the Public Relations Galactical Network.
- Andi Scheuer, former transport minister and defender of the “Need for Speed” (our favorite Andi quote: “speed limit is against common sense”) has now become press spokesman for Red Bull’s outer space activities.
- Against the protest of Andi Scheuer from space, vehicles controlled by humans are finally repealed.
- Holo-Phones allow 3D representations of the caller.
- Germany smiles with happiness: Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and Megacloud, all plans of Deutsche Bahn and all airports are now working smoothly. Likewise, all major projects will be implemented exactly on time and financially according to plan.
- CCCA finally solves the climate problem. According to Xinhua Washington, this is the so-called China CO2 Catching Application, which removes 1 million tons of C02 from the earth’s atmosphere every day.
- Under orders from the World Government with their headquarters in Beijing, the unconditional basic income is introduced in all high-tech nations of the world to ensure that there is sufficient purchasing power for consumers.
- It is no longer necessary to speak in order to communicate. Thought transfer as a medium of communication has passed the reality check.
- God leaves the communicative matrix forever and ever. He finally wants to pursue his own thoughts in peace again.
- Industrie-Contact celebrates its 80th anniversary with an orbit around the Earth and the Moon in an emission-free space shuttle. On the moon we celebrate in the largest hotel of the Earth’s satellite, the Lunar Beijing, which is operated by the Chinese government.
Best wishes from the future!