Getting business moving now
Joe Biden will be the next president of the USA. With him diplomacy and multilateralism will enter the White House. This is not only good for the Transatlantic Alliance, but also for the economic relations between the United States, Europe and Germany. What should companies do now?
Chamber of Foreign Trade (AHK) and AmCham Germany
On the German side, the AHK, with its five locations in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Washington, looks after the interests of German companies in the USA. It helps to build up business, provides valuable tips and offers advice. Conversely, AmCham Germany looks after American companies that want to gain a foothold in Germany.
Through the presidency of Donald Trump a lot of porcelain has been smashed. Direct rhetorical attacks on Germany and its economy have also caused irritation. However, the German economy is still very US oriented. The export surplus even grew during the Trump era. It is time to work closely together again.
Public Affairs in Hamburg, Germany, Europe and worldwide
But what exactly makes German economic life tick? What role do the federal government and the federal states play? What needs to be considered at the local level? How can we cooperate with chambers of commerce? What role do associations play in Germany? How can contact be established with associations, but also with political representatives?
American companies that need excellent stakeholder relations in Germany in addition to a good business model are in good hands with the public affairs team at Industrie-Contact. In addition to its good networking in the political, pre-political and ministerial spheres, the agency is also ideally positioned in communications in Germany, Europe and worldwide: As a member of the Public Relations Global Network, an association of some 50 agencies worldwide, most of them in North America and Europe, Industrie-Contact is one of the most experienced members.
Jürgen Klimke has been active in the field of public affairs for decades. From 2002 to 2017 he was a member of the German Bundestag. Before that he was a member of parliament at state level in Hamburg for 20 years. Together with the Public Affairs team of Industrie-Contact he can offer valuable advice and solutions.
To this end, his team analyzes developments at federal, state and European level. His success is based on a large network of key contacts in Berlin and the federal states and in Brussels. Customers thus have access to decision makers. The team designs effective and creative lobbying strategies for clients to collaborate with interest groups.