Encryption by default
The padlock icon and a small ‘s’ at the beginning of the URL indicates that: The connection between the Industrie-Contact (IC) website and your browser has been encrypted by default. Instead of “http://” the protocol now reads “https://” (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure).
As a result, surfing the internet as well as utilising specific functions (such as the comment and search query functions, etc.) complies with the latest security measures.
HTTPS encryption contributes to SEO visibilty
Google announced the HTTPS encryption as a ranking factor back in August 2014 already – though with a “lightweight signal” projected to impact less than 1% of global queries. At the same time, Google also announced that over time they will strengthen the ranking signal to keep everyone safe on the web. Meanwhile, differences in the SEO visibility of HTTPS websites in contrast to unencrypted websites are indeed significant.
There are many factors to consider when switching from HTTP to HTTPS. In order to achieve high priority search results, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
- The web server must have a valid TLS certificate
- It isn’t blocked from crawling by robots.txt
- It doesn’t contain a nonindex robots meta tag
- It doesn’t redirect users to or through an insecure HTTP page
- It doesn’t have a rel=“canonical” link to the HTTP page
- The sitemaps lists the HTTPS URL, or doesn’t list the HTTP version of the URL
- It doesn’t contain insecure dependencies
- It doesn’t have on-host outlinks to HTTP URLs
IC specialise in application of on and off-page optimisation as an integral aspect to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When improving a website (on-page), all of Google’s key criteria must be taken into account. In this case not only fresh content and the smart placement of keywords in titles, headlines, contextual links and images play a key role. SEO outside your own website, for example backlinks that point to topics related to other well ranked websites on the internet as well as the expansion of social signals in social media all contribute significantly to ensure that the relevance of a website gradually increases. Optimization eventually results in clients websites receiving better rankings from search engines such as Google.
The advantages IC has over other SEO agencies lies in the fact that the IC not only understands the technical side of SEO, but thanks to their PR background they are in the best position to professionally improve the content of their clients. In other words, traditional PR and SEO go hand in hand. A very rare set of skills combination found in the agency world.
More information
Google Algorithms: https://www.google.com/insidesearch/howsearchworks/algorithms.html
Google Webmaster Central Blog: HTTPS as a ranking signal