How British companies can now do good business in Germany
The successful negotiation of the Brexit has averted the no deal brexit scenario and great economic damage for all sides involved. This is the top news at the end of 2020. As the UK and Germany have had a close and friendly relationship for decades, a failed Brexit deal would have been an economic disaster. As a result, companies can once again focus on the essentials: Boosting business and implementing it successfully. Who can help now to do the right thing under the new conditions?
AHK, BCC, associations and good advisors are in demand
From the German side, companies will get up to speed through the AHK and business associations. These help in setting up or expanding business, give valuable tips and offer advice. The counterpart to this is the British Chambers of Commerce. They look after British companies in their own country but also abroad. For the post-Brexit period, the British Chambers has published a Post-Transition Brexit Checklist, which is 21 pages long after all.
In Germany, there is also the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany. It is particularly familiar with the questions and concerns of British companies in the context of German business and politics and can provide valuable advice.
What are the roles of municipalities, federal states and the federal government? Does it make sense to talk to German chambers of commerce and cooperate with them? Associations play a decisive role in German business life. Is it advisable for a British company to join German associations? And if political support is required: Which political representatives can be approached to address your own concerns, and who will help you make contact? To gain deeper insights, British companies are advised to seek more intensive advice now.
Public Affairs in Hamburg, Germany and Europe
British companies that need excellent stakeholder relations in Germany in addition to a good business model are in good hands with Industrie-Contact’s Public Affairs team. In addition to networking in the political, pre-political and ministerial spheres, the agency is also ideally positioned in communications in Germany, Europe and worldwide: As a member of the Public Relations Global Network, an association of some 50 agencies worldwide, most of them in North America and Europe, Industrie-Contact is one of the most experienced members.
With Jürgen Klimke a professional from the world of politics is in our team. He has been active in public affairs for decades. From 2002 to 2017 he was a member of the German Bundestag. Before that, he was a member of parliament for 20 years at the state level of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, which has a particularly close relationship with Great Britain. Economic relations between Hamburg and Great Britain date back to 1266. According to information from the Authority for Economy and Innovation, the “Right Worshipful Company of Merchant Adventurers of England” was trading in cloth in Hamburg. And in 1926, the “British American Tobacco Co” (BAT) settled with a subsidiary on the Elbe. About ten percent of Hamburg companies’ exports cross the English Channel.